Teece Museum encounters

The Teece Museum celebrated Queen’s Birthday weekend by opening the doors to the public for the first time in 2 months. A small dedicated number of visitors came to enjoy the delights of the current exhibition, Fantastic Feasts.

This weekend the Museum also published another blog post to Potted Histories. UC postgraduate student Natalie Looyer, who was a Teece Museum gallery host, draws on her experiences to share recollections of visitor experiences and reactions in the museum, such as this one:

‘As a casual gallery host I still get to witness the enjoyment that visitors experience in the museum from time to time. Just recently I watched as a parent shuffled her child out of the museum, assuring him that they would return another day when they had more time to view everything. I smiled when I overheard the boy’s earnest reply: “Can we come back on my birthday?”’

For more news visit the Teece Museum’s blog