CIUC’s Chinese Icons Spaghetti Challenge Online Facebook Competition

Throughout the months of June and July, CIUC were excited to hold their next online Facebook Competition: The Chinese Icons Spaghetti Challenge! A new event for 2022, the CIUC team were pleased to receive 36 entries, with each entry showing the wonderful talent and creativity of the students who entered.

After being uploaded to Facebook on Tuesday 5th July, public voting remained open until Friday 22nd July. Voting was conducting through monitoring the number of ‘likes’ on each post. In the end a total of 169 votes and 18 comments were cast across the 36 entries, with first place winner, Fairfield College student Xander Pennruscoe’s impressive Chinese Dragon design claiming 46 of the total votes. Second place went also to Fairfield College student Campbell Cornwall with his clever depiction of the Great Wall of China. Two prizes were also awarded to individuals for their positive ‘Best Comments’ left on student’s artworks.

CIUC would like to thank all students and teachers who took part in Chinese Icons Spaghetti Challenge Competition, and look forward to holding more online events on our Facebook page again later in the year.


Left: First Place – Xander Pennruscoe (Fairfield College) with his Chinese Dragon artwork. Above: Second Place – Campbell Cornwall (Fairfield College) with his Great Wall of China artwork.