‘Return to Eden’, Ilam Campus Gallery exhibition: 22 February 2023

Andrew Bond, Kara Burrowes, and Charrette van Eekelen

Opens 5pm Wednesday February 22nd

The notion of ‘Eden’ instinctively alludes to some sort of Utopia or landscape paradise; a place without sin. The interpretation of a personal Eden, echoes an individual intimacy based on life experiences and memory, alongside imagination and fantasy. Each person has within them some degree of absence or longing for a non-existent Arcadia.

The exhibition A Return to Eden rather than looking to a perfect, unattainable fantasy-land, is about spirituality and the contentment of being able to do what each artist intuitively loves. The practice of each artist and the culminating body of works, is a free expression of very different artistic processes and methodologies. Each having a varied life experience and world view, but on a closer inspection areas of osmosis can be witnessed; trails and traces of technique, hue and materials and subtle influencing. Loose connections underpin, but these are tenuous and more than likely; coincidence. Ultimately, each series of works harbours few similarities and three very personal bodies of work have been produced.