Logic and Philosophy of Time publications: Mike Grimshaw

Mike Grimshaw (Sociology) has four sole authored  articles and one co-authored article on the noted NZ philosopher Arthur Prior published in the Journal  Logic and Philosophy of Time (aau.dk) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): The History and Philosophy of Tense-logic

His articles cover: Prior’s engagement with Calvinism as a route to logic; Prior and the NZ Journal of Theology in the 1930s; Prior’s writings under a nom de plume in the journal Tomorrow and the Otago Daily Times 1935-1937; Prior’s memorial letter of Ursula Bethell in 1945; and with David Jakobsen of Aalborg University,  Prior’s early reflections on sense and sentences.

All of these arise from  considerable archival work over a couple of years.

Having  also contributed to earlier volumes of  the journal, he has  been invited to join the  advisory board for Volume 6.