Careers Evening

On the 25th June the Marketing and Outreach team ran a Careers Evening event alongside the other faculties where we invited prospective students and whānau to join us on campus for the evening to learn more about career opportunities studying at UC can lead into. The Faculty of Arts ran 2 sessions, including a general Arts session, as well as Digital Screen.

For the Arts session, we invited 3 Alumni back to talk about their career journeys and how studying an Arts degree here at UC helped set them up for their future endeavours. Our 3 speakers had experience working in many different fields such as Communications, Creative Arts, Business, Sustainability and everything in between – demonstrating the flexibility and versatile skills an Arts degree will equip you with. A huge thanks to Jo, Clive and Laura, our amazing speakers who joined us on the night, as well as Jerhime, our Arts student advisor for manning our stall and answering the many questions which came in on the night!!

The Digital Screen session had a mix of both industry speakers who talked about their experience working in the relevant industries, as well our awesome Digital Screen academics who shared more about the degree itself. A very big thank you to our guest speakers, Benjamin Hart and Richard Lord, who shared their creative insights into the screen industry and the steps they took to get to where they are today, we loved the stories you shared! Thank you to our wonderful academic team who always speak so enthusiastically about their courses and what the Bachelor of Digital Screen with Honours has to offer, including our amazing MC, Hamuera Kahi. Without the knowledge and expertise you all carry, we couldn’t run this event without you!