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Fine Arts student exhibition : 14 – 23 August

Student exhibitions continue in The Casting Room (Block 3 School of Fine Arts) with Green-Print Studio Hons Graphic Design student Amelia Barrett. You can also see the exhibition You Were Made For Me  by third year students Lily Rose Claypole and Bella MacDonald in The Hut (Block 4 School of Fine Arts). Exhibitions run until Friday August 23. Make the trip over to Fine Arts and also check out Ouroboros, a group exhibition by fourth year Photography students in Ilam Campus Gallery as part of this years Student Series. Email louise.palmer@canterbury.ac.nz for further information.

Green-Print Studio is a speculative Graphic Design studio that investigates alternative modes of working, critique, studio culture and studio layout as an attempt to reimagine how a design studio could be.

The name Green-Print Studio is designed as a play on my attempt to utilize the casting room as a ‘blue-print’ to investigate studio spaces.

Stemming from an interest in traditional studio workplaces, social media and mindfulness practice, this installation shifts the purpose of the Casting Room from an exhibition space to a working studio space.

Students are invited to come and spend time developing their work in GPS and investigate a different approach to working. Why work from home when you can work from a hammock?

You Were Made For Me opens discussion surrounding the body within relational situations, suggesting that we are made for each other, our parts fitting, filling, and compressing gaps physically and emotionally. Our choice in subject matter reflects our personal connections and relationships as our work upholds that community is integral to the human experience, rejecting that love, and tenderness are exclusive to romantic relationships. Exploring intersections between our respective practice, we question the ways in which bodies are perceived – exposing dual qualities of tender and abject, hard and soft, sexual and unsexual.