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UC History researchers host early-career research symposium

Recent History PhD graduate, Dr Daniel Steel and Bessie Mikkelsons (Deakin University), with the support of Dr David Monger (UC History) and Dr Bart Ziino (Deakin) organised and hosted the inaugural online symposium of ENZAC – Emerging New Zealand and Australian Caucus on First World War Studies online on 31 October and 1 November. The event drew together 21 postgraduate and early career researchers, primarily based in New Zealand and Australia, but also in the UK and Spain, who shared either 10-minute work-in-progress talks or more fully developed 20-minute conference style papers. ENZAC’s aim is to draw together emerging researchers on the First World War and create a network of potential collaborators.

As well as Daniel himself, who spoke on the significance of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force’s first casualty of the war, in Egypt, UC doctoral candidate Kate Pickworth shared some insights from her research into women propagandists during the war, while PhD candidate Arthur Engster Varreira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), who is currently visiting UC History on a research fellowship discussed his research into the dissemination of fake news regarding an imagined German-Brazilian revolution in Brazil in 1917.

Congratulations to Daniel and Bessie, who put together the event from start to finish within a matter of weeks.