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Raising UC research profile in Europe: Professor Natalia Chaban reports findings of the Jean Monnet Policy Network on opportunities and challenges of EU-Ukraine heritage diplomacy

The ongoing war against Ukraine presents new challenges for the EU’s external action and foreign policy.  One of them is in the area of securitization of cultural and historical heritage of Ukraine.  Professor Chaban, who leads Work Package 5 “Strategic Communication” within a new Jean Monnet Policy Network “Challenges and opportunities of EU heritage diplomacy towards Ukraine (HER-UKR), reported about the main findings of the first year of WP5 research in Europe.  Professor Chaban was key speaker at the panel “The EU and the World” at the 35th Anniversary of Jean Monnet Actions Conference (Brussels) invited by the European Commission.  She also led the WP5 panel where the team of 19 researchers presented the key findings of the HER-UKR Year 1 conference at KU Leuven (Belgium) (October 27). UC team contributing to the panel with Prof Chaban included: Prof Paul Millar, Dr Daria Kuznetsova, Dr Daniela Grimberg, PhD students at Media & Communication Mia Angeline, Dmitry Romanenko, Shalabh Chopra, MA in Media & Communication Sophie Hill, MStratCom student Francesca Harrison and MIRAD student Margaret Vernygora.   Professor Chaban also presented the Year 1 findings at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (November 5); University of Lund, Sweden (November 6); and Jagellonian University of Krakow, Poland (November 11).  On November 28, she presented the key findings of the HER-UKR at the webinar organised by the Ukrainian foreign policy think tank “Ukrainian Prism” sharing findings with Ukrainian stakeholders and decision-makers in the field of international strategic communication.