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Building research networks with Australia: HER-UKR Jean Monnet Policy Network WP 5 “Strategic Communication” presents at the ESAANZ Conference 2024

Media and Communication’s research team, working in the framework of the Jean Monnet Policy Network “Opportunities and challenges of the EU’s heritage diplomacy towards Ukraine” (HER-UKR) supported by the European Commission, presented a virtual panel at a regional conference of the European Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand (ESAANZ) 2024, organised in Melbourne (Australia).  Media and Communication researchers presented findings of Year 1 of the Work Package 5 “Strategic Communication” within the Network that brings together 15 universities from around the world.  The panel focused on the findings from the media analysis in five countries of Global South — Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa.  The panel featured these HER-UKR researchers: Natalia Chaban (WP5 Research Lead), Francesca Harrison (MStratCom, researcher for South Africa) Mia Angeline (PhD student in Media & Comms, researcher for Indonesia), Dmitry Romanenko (PhD student in Media & Comms, researcher for China), Dr Daniela Grimberg (Media & Comms alumnus, researcher for Brazil) and Shalabh Chopra (PhD student in Media & Comms, researcher for India)