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Media and Communication’s PD-PCF Student Hub presents on EU digital diplomacy to EU Delegation to New Zealand

On December 5, 2024, Student Research Hub of the Public Diplomacy and Political Communication Forum (PF-PCF) (directed by Prof Natalia Chaban, UC Media & Comms) presented its analysis of the EU’s digital diplomacy towards New Zealand.  The team visited the embassy of the EU to New Zealand in Wellington where students presented their findings and recommendations to HE Lawrence Meredith, the Head of the EU Delegation, and his team of diplomats and strategic communicators. The PD-PCF Student Research Hub included:  Loredana Unsworth (MStratCom), Joshua Boucher (MPAG), and under-graduate students Davien Gray, Sophia Peacock-Price and Tarek Patchett. The work of the Hub was consulted by Sam Brett (PhD student, Media & Comms) and Margaret Vernygora (MIRAD).